Christmas Special – 7 Days Left

Make the Difference Let's do something great together: From December 1st to 24th, when you book…

My ALS Journey (18/n): C++ and ALS

Christmas Promotion Let’s do something great together: From December 1st to 24th, when…

std::execution: Sender

std::execution offers three types of senders: factories, adapters, and consumers. I'll take a closer…

std::execution: Composition of Senders

Most sender adaptors are composable using the pipe operator. Let me start with a simple example…

std::execution: Inclusive Scan

Inclusive scan solves problems related to range queries, such as calculating the sum of a range of elements…

Christmas Special

Make the Difference Let's do something great together: From December 1st to 24th, when you book…

std::execution: Asynchronous Algorithms

std::execution supports many asynchronous algorithms for various workflows. Presenting proposal…

My ALS Journey (17/n): Christmas Special

Today, I have a special Christmas gift. >> My ALS Journey so far << Make the…


std::execution, previously known as executors or Senders/Receivers, provides “a Standard C++ framework…

C++26 Core Language: Small Improvements

There are more small improvements in the C++26 language, which you should know. static_assert…

My ALS Journey (16/n): Good Bye Training / Hello Mentoring

In 2025, I will no longer offer C++ classes. Instead, I will only offer C++ mentoring in the future. >>…

Placeholders and Extended Character Set

Placeholders are a nice way to highlight variables that are no longer needed. Additionally, the character…