
Regular Types
The concept of a regular type goes back to the creator of the Standard Template Library (STL) Alexander…

The Rule of Zero, or Six
The rule of zero, or six, is one of the advanced rules in modern C++. I wrote in my current book "C++…

C++ Core Guidelines: Rules about Don’ts
This post is about don'ts. Here are this post's two most important rules: Don't use std::move thoughtless…

Perfect Forwarding
Today, we solve " ... a herefore unsolved problem in C++" (Bjarne Stroustrup). To make the long story…

Move Semantis: Two Nice Properties
I will talk about two nice properties of the move semantic in this post that is not so often mentioned.…

Copy versus Move Semantics: A few Numbers
A lot was written about the advantages of move semantics to copy semantics. Instead of an expensive copy…