

Coroutines are functions that can suspend and resume their execution while keeping their state. The evolution…

Latches And Barriers

Latches and barriers are simple thread synchronization mechanisms, enabling some threads to wait until…
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std::future Extensions

Tasks in the form of promises and futures have in C++11 an ambivalent reputation. On the one hand, they…
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And the Winners are

Mads Ravn, Antonis Polykratis, Martin Mancuska, David Farago, Edgar Rojas, and Adrian Javaloy. Here…
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Atomic Smart Pointers

C++20 will have atomic smart pointers. To be exact, we will get a std::atomic_shared_ptr and a std::atomic_weak_ptr.…

Parallel Algorithms of the Standard Template Library

The idea is quite simple. The Standard Template has more than 100 algorithms for searching, counting,…

Multithreading with C++17 and C++20

Forecasts about the future are difficult. In particular, when they are about C++20. Nevertheless, I will…

Expression Templates

Expression templates are "structures representing a computation at compile-time, which are evaluated…

C++ is Lazy: CRTP

In my previous post, Recursion, List Manipulation, and Lazy Evaluation, I wrote about the characteristics…
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Six Vouchers to Win

Ivan Cukic is currently writing a book on "Functional Programming in C++" for Manning Publication. Currently,…