Lazy Futures with Coroutines

Based on the coroutines-based implementation of a simple future in my last post "Implementing Simple…

Implementing Simple Futures with Coroutines

Instead of return, a coroutine uses co_return returning its result. In this post, I want to implement…

Synchronized Output Streams with C++20

What happens when you write without synchronization to std::cout? You get a mess. With C++20, this should…

An Improved Thread with C++20

std::jthread stands for joining thread. In addition to std::thread (C++11), std::jthread automatically…

Cooperative Interruption of a Thread in C++20

A typical question in my C++ seminars is: Can a  thread be killed? Before C++20, my answer is no.…

Barriers and Atomic Smart Pointers in C++20

In my last post, I introduced latches in C++20. A latch enables its threads to wait until a counter becomes…

Latches in C++20

Latches and barriers are coordination types that enable some threads to wait until a counter becomes…

Semaphores in C++20

Semaphores are a synchronization mechanism used to control concurrent access to a shared resource. They…

Performance Comparison of Condition Variables and Atomics in C++20

After the introduction to std::atomic_flag in my last post, Synchronization with Atomics in C++20, I…

Synchronization with Atomics in C++20

Sender/receiver workflows are pretty common for threads. In such a workflow, the receiver is waiting…