Entries by Rainer Grimm

More Details to Formatting User-Defined Types in C++20

Implementing a formatter for a user-defined type having more than one value in C++20 is challenging. This post is the 5th post in my miniseries about formatting in C++20. Read the previous ones here: A Formatter for More Values Point is a class with three members. // formatPoint.cpp #include <format> #include <iostream> #include <string> struct […]

My ALS Journey: 6/n

Here is the next step in my journey. This one is optimistic. CppCast, C++Online, and AMA In February, I have a few public events: The Bright Side of Life A horrible diagnosis, such as ALS, changes you fundamentally. This also happened to me. Before the diagnosis, I have been a workaholic. I usually began to […]

Formatting User-Defined Types in C++20

Additionally, to the basic types and std::string, you can also format user-defined types in C++20. So far, I have formatted basic types and std::string. Here are my previous posts: std::formatter enables it to format user-defined types. You have to specialize the class std::formatter for the user-defined type. In particular, you must implement the member functions […]

The Formatting Library in C++20: The Format String (2)

In my last post, “The Formatting Library in C++20: The Format String“, I presented a few of the format specifications of the format string. Today, I finish my job. In today’s post, I will write about the width, precision, and type of the format specification. If you want to know more about the argument id, […]

My ALS Journey: 5/n

As always, I’m pretty busy. I have given C++ classes, created a new mentoring program, and finished my ALS fundraising campaign. But this is not all. Classes and Mentoring Last week, I finished my previous C++20 class. What should I say? It was much fun. Additionally, I finished my fourth mentoring program, “Concurrency with Modern […]

The Formatting Library in C++20: The Format String

I introduced “The Formatting Library in C++20” in my last post. Today, I will dive deeper into the format specification of the format string. Let me start with a short recap of the format string. The format string FormatString consists of A replacement field has the format { }. Argument ID You can use an […]

Printed Version of “Concurrency with Modern C++” on Amazon

I have some great news. First, you finally have “Concurrency with Modern C++” on Amazon; second, my book includes C++23. The book has about 700 pages and more than 200 examples. Get the Printed Book: US, UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, PL, SE, JP, CA, and AU Get the Source Code: https://github.com/RainerGrimm/ConcurrencyWithModernCpp (more than 200 […]

The Formatting Library in C++20

Today, I will start a series about the formatting library in C++20. The series is based on my C++20 book. Although Peter Gottschling wrote two great blog posts about the formatting library in C++20 (“std::format in C++20“, “C++20: Extend std::format for User-Defined Types“, I will write about the formatting library again. The reason is simple: […]