
Thread-Local Data

By using the keyword thread_local, you define the thread local data. Thread-local can easily be…

Thread-Safe Initialization of Data

The story is simple if the data is not modified when shared between threads. The data has only to be…

Prefer Locks to Mutexes

If the previous post showed something, it's that you should use mutexes with great care. That's why you…

The Risks of Mutexes

The usage of mutexes seems extremely simple. There is a critical section in the code that a single thread…

Reader-Writer Locks

With C++14 came reader-writer locks. The idea is straightforward and promising. Arbitrary reading threads…

Threads Sharing Data

One of the biggest challenges of thread management begins when the threads share non-const data Data…

Thread Arguments

A thread gets its data by copy or by reference. By default, you should use by copy. Why? In case your…

Threads Lifetime

The parent has to take care of their child. This simple idea has big consequences for a thread lifetime.…

Thread Creation

Thread creation is easy. Call  std::thread, and a new thread will be created. The thread gets a…