C++ Core Guidelines: std::array and std::vector are your Friends
In 99 % of your use cases for a sequential container, you are outstanding with a std::array or a std::vector.…

C++ Core Guidelines: The Standard Library
The rules to the C++ standard library are mainly about containers, strings, and iostreams.

More Details to Modules
My last post gave you an introduction to modules in C++20. This post shows how to use existing…

Modules are one of the five prominent features of C++20. Modules will overcome the restrictions of header…

C++ Core Guidelines: The Remaining Rules about Source Files
Today, I complet the rules of the C++ core guidelines to source files. They are about header files and…

C++ Core Guidelines: Source Files
The organization of source files is a topic quite seldom addressed in C++. With C++20, we will get modules,…

C++ Core Guidelines: Mixing C with C++
Due to the same history of C and C++, both languages are closely related. Because neither of them is…

Types-, Non-Types, and Templates as Template Parameters
I assume you saw the additional keywords typename or template used before a name in a template. Me too.…

Templates: Misconceptions and Surprises
I often teach the basics of templates. Templates are special. Therefore, I encounter many misconceptions…

C++ Core Guidelines: Surprise included with the Specialisation of Function Templates
Today, I finish the C++ core guidelines rules to templates with a big surprise for many C++ developers.…