C++20: More Details to Coroutines

After I gave you in my last post (C++20: Coroutines - A First Overview) my first impression of coroutines,…

C++20: Coroutines – A First Overview

C++20 provides four features that change how we think about and write modern C++: concepts, the ranges…

C++20: Python’s map Function

Today, I finish my experiment writing beloved Python functions in C++. So far, I have implemented the…

C++20: Pythons range Function, the Second

In my last post, C++20: Pythonic with the Ranges Library, I started my experiment to implement the beloved…

C++20: Pythonic with the Ranges Library

Today, I start an experiment. I want to implement beloved functions in Python in C++ using the ranges…

C++20: Functional Patterns with the Ranges Library

My last post C++20: The Ranges Library, gave you the first impression of the ranges library. Today's…

C++20: The Ranges Library

Thanks to the ranges library in C++20, working with the Standard Template Library (STL) will become much…

Concepts in C++20: An Evolution or a Revolution?

Let me conclude my series to concepts with this meta-post. Are concepts an evolution or a revolution…

C++20: Define the Concept Regular and SemiRegular

When you want to define a concrete type that works well in the C++ ecosystem, you should define a type…

C++20: Define the Concepts Equal and Ordering

In my last post, I defined the concept Equal. Now, I go one step further and use the concept Equal to…