My ALS Journey: 3/n

Here is what happened in the last three weeks. Let me start with a very thoughtful Christmas present. Brief…

The Second Edition of my C++20 Book on Amazon

I have given many C++20 classes in the last two years and improved my C++20 knowledge. Consequentially,…

A Coroutines-Based Single Consumer – Single Producer Workflow by Ljubic Damir

I'm happy to present in this guest post by Ljubic Damir a typical use-case for coroutines: a producer…

A Bug in the Priority Scheduler for Coroutines

In my last two posts, I presented priority schedulers for coroutines. The schedulers had a bug. First…

My ALS Journey: 2/n

As promised, here is what happened in the last three weeks. Let me start with the more pleasing things. Classes,…

An Advanced Priority Scheduler for Coroutines

Today, I use the straightforward scheduler from the post "A Priority Scheduler for Coroutines" and improve…