A std::advance Implementation with C++98, C++17, and C++20
In my last post, I presented a possible std::advance implementation based on tag dispatching. One of…

A Sample for my Mentoring Program “Fundamentals for C++ Professionals”
Before you participate in my mentoring program, you should know more about it. Today, I publish as a…

Software Design with Traits and Tag Dispatching
Tag Dispatching enables it to choose a function based on the type characteristics. This decision takes…

Registration is Open for my Mentoring Program “Fundamentals for C++ Professionals”
I'm happy to announce: The registration for my mentoring program is now open until the 17th of April.

Thanks to templates, there are new ways of software design. Policies and traits are two commonly used…

Avoiding Temporaries with Expression Templates
Expression templates are typically used in linear algebra and are "structures representing a computation…

Help for the People in Ukraine
Get my 3-books bundle Modern C++ Collection for half the price ($66 -> $33).
All money…

In my previous post "More about Dynamic and Static Polymorphism", I used the Curiously Recurring…

The Launch of my Mentoring Program “Fundamentals for C++ Professionals”
I have prepared my mentoring program and am ready to start on 22nd April.
I'm happy to say…